Albert J. Fenoy, M.D


Associate Professor
Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Texas,  USA.

GeorgiosMatis M.D, M.Sc, PhD, FINR(CH)


Associate Professor
Department of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Cologne, Germany.

Vinod Kumar Rajoria, M.S, MCh - Neurosurgery (AIIMS)

Head and Chief

Department of the Functional and stereotactic Neurosurgery NeuraXis DBS care and Research Center

Vinod Puri, M.D, D.M

Senior professor in Neurology

Department of Neurosciences NHI Hospital, South Delhi, India.

Pritam Majumdar, PhD

Director &Chief Scientific Officer, Neuromodulation Therapies

NeuraXisTM DBS care and Research Centre, (A unit of Neurodigm Med-Tech and Research Pvt. Ltd)

DivyaJyoti Sharma, M.S, M.Ch (Neurosurgery)

Senior Consultant, Neurosurgeon

NeuraXisTM DBS care and Research Centre, (A unit of Neurodigm Med-Tech and Research Pvt. Ltd)

Sarat Kumar Garg,

M.B.B.S, DNB in Neurosurgery

Consultant in Department of Neurosurgery, NeuraXis DBS care and Research Center (A unit of Neurodigm Medtech and research pvt ltd), NHI hospital, Delhi.

MeenaLanjiwar, M.D, D.M (Neurology)

Consultant Neurologist and Movement Disorders Specialist,

NeuraXisTM DBS care and Research Centre, (A unit of Neurodigm Med-Tech and Research Pvt. Ltd)

YildizDegirmenci, M.D

Professor of Neurology &Movement Disorders Specialist

Department of Istanbul Medipol University Medical Faculty

NesrinHelvaciYilmaz, M.D

Professor in Neurology,

Department of Neurosciences, Medipol Mega University Hospital

Tehran Aliyeva, M.D. (Professor in Neurology)

BezmiâlemVakif University Medical Faculty Hospital, Department of Neurology,

Sabina KhalilovaBinnat, M.D, PhD

Pediatrician and Neurologist

Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics, Modern Hospital, Azerbaijan

Ankit Gupta, M.B.B.S, M.D, MRCPsych (UK)

Senior Consultant for Department of Psychiatry NeuraXis Care and Research Center

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